Class Process


  • Returns Process


bootTime: number
initialized: boolean
initializers: Initializers
loadInitializers: (() => Promise<void>)[]

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<void>
    • Method run as part of the initialize lifecycle of your server. Usually sets api['YourNamespace']

      Returns Promise<void>

running: boolean
shuttingDown: boolean
startCount: number
startInitializers: (() => Promise<void>)[]

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<void>
    • Method run as part of the start lifecycle of your server. Usually connects to remote servers or processes..

      Returns Promise<void>

started: boolean
stopInitializers: (() => Promise<void>)[]

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<void>
    • Method run as part of the initialize lifecycle of your server. Usually disconnects from remote servers or processes.

      Returns Promise<void>

stopReasons?: string[]
stopped: boolean


  • Parameters

    • errors: ErrnoException | ErrnoException[] = []
    • type: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • collection: {
          [rank: number]: T[];
      • [rank: number]: T[]

    Returns T[]

  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Register listeners for process signals and uncaught exceptions & rejections. Try to gracefully shut down when signaled to do so


    • stopCallback: ((exitCode?: number) => void) = ...
        • (exitCode?): void
        • Parameters

          • OptionalexitCode: number

          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Restart the Actionhero Process

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Start the Actionhero Process

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Stop the Actionhero Process


    • stopReasons: string | string[] = []

    Returns Promise<void>