Class InitializerAbstract

Create a new Actionhero Initializer. The required properties of an initializer. These can be defined statically ( or as methods which return a value.



loadPriority?: number

What order should this Initializer load at (Default: 1000, Actionhero core methods are < 1000)

name: string

The name of the Initializer.

startPriority?: number

What order should this Initializer start at (Default: 1000, Actionhero core methods are < 1000)

stopPriority?: number

What order should this Initializer stop at (Default: 1000, Actionhero core methods are < 1000)


  • Method run as part of the initialize lifecycle of your server. Usually sets api['YourNamespace']

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Method run as part of the start lifecycle of your server. Usually connects to remote servers or processes..

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Method run as part of the initialize lifecycle of your server. Usually disconnects from remote servers or processes.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns void